Tenjou is the new signing of an important volleyball team, has become the undisputed starter, above Sheela who was a favorite of the coach, but now has lost much importance in the team, eaten by envy, wants to fuck Tenjou, while she is warming up quietly in the training room, Sheela makes sure that no one else is there, enters the room, the rivalry between them is noted, they do not get along well, Tenjou does not want her near her. Sheela faces her, they fight hand to hand, Sheela is very fit and strong, she has a fitness body and knows how to fight, Tenjou tries to defend herself and escape as she can, they fight on the floor, rolling around, Sheela manages to block Tenjou’s arms with her legs, Tenjou is face down on the floor, She takes out adhesive tape and ties Tenjou’s arms with several tight turns, Tenjou tries to slip away, but it’s useless, Sheela grabs now one of his legs, joins his ankles with his thighs and ties him with the tape, tight, then the same with the other leg, Tenjou is tied in hogtied, finally she ties his feet together to fuck him a little more so that he can move less. Now it’s time to shut her up, Sheela blocks Tenjou’s head with her strong thighs and gags her with several turns of tape making a good wrapgag. Sheela has managed to screw Tenjou, she thinks that no one will discover her and that she can be the starter in the match that is about to start, but she is wrong, she leaves Tenjou in the room and goes away.
Lex, the captain of the team, discovers Tenjou tied up, quickly unties her and tells her that it was Sheela, Lex who also has a grudge against Sheela, organizes a revenge with Tenjou.
Sheela returns to the room and sees that Tenjou is gone, there are only the remains of tape, what happened here? Quickly Lex and Tenjou attack her from behind, they try to knock her down but they can’t, Sheela is very strong and knows how to defend herself, she grabs both of them as she can, but she knows she can’t hold much more this intensity with both of them, they keep fighting between them and finally between the two of them they manage to hold Sheela to the ground, Lex takes the ropes and ties Sheela’s elbows and wrists behind her back, She is already secured, Tenjou takes the ballgag and gags her, Sheela sees how her plan is turning and she can’t do anything, Lex continues tying her ankles and legs, to finish tying her arms and making a very tight hogtied, Sheela is suffering, how tight are those ropes. Lex and Tenjou tell her that she won’t play a match with them again, that she can leave and that she will stay tied up until someone comes to help her, what she deserves for being envious. Lex and Tenjou leave to play the match while Sheela is left writhing on the floor uselessly.