When it seems that everything is going to be like that, Dolly and Tenjou betray Mayla, they don’t want to share among so many people, they also tie her in hogtied between the two, Mayla gets very angry and can only see how the opportunity to be a millionaire escapes her, being tied together with Persefone.
Dolly and Tenjou look like they are going to leave, but at the last minute Tenjou throws Dolly to the floor and with ropes also ties her in hogtied and gags her with a ballgag. The three girls are tied up on the living room floor, unable to do anything, Tenjou is the one who will win the lottery prize. Before saying goodbye she confesses to them that she always wanted to do something with them, she licks the soles of each of their feet, they didn’t know that her friend was such a fetishist.
When she finishes licking the soles of the feet of each friend, Tenjou takes the lottery ticket and goes to the office to collect it and enjoy her millions, the friends are tied on the floor without being able to do anything, just writhe and do mmmmphh, they will get untied? what is certain is that they will never see Tenjou again.