Halloween special: Ouija Bondage

4 of the Kitties got a ouija board and got into an abandoned store to play with it. The legend said the place is haunted and the girls want to try new things, some of them are a bit scared but they won’t back down. 

Lex is the one leading, Perséfone, Mayla and Yana place their hands on the board and ask who’s there … The indicator planchette said Satan… Lex asks what IT wants? it said YOU… Even with the girls scared there’s still some doubt and ask it to manifest to prove them real.

That’s when things fucked up.

Lex begins to convulse and make very weird noises, all the other Kitties run away scared and hide. Now Lex is possessed and wants the girls as an offer. First to find Yana who’s freezing scared in a closet, Lex drags her to the circle she previously drew on the floor to make the offering. There she cleavegag her with a scarf and proceeds to tie her up with ropes, grab her by the chest and put her arms back tense and straight to tie them in a strappado, then restrain her ankles tying then up ato finish it in a very tight hogtied. Now Lex goes for the second one, Mayla is upstairs when Lex spots her up, in seconds she’s up and takes her to the circle Lex won’t let them talk so puts a scarf at Mayla’s mouth and makes another tight strappado, the pain is essential to make the offering, proceeds to tie her ankles and make a hogtied to go find the third one. Perséfone isa hidden  but Lex can feel her breathing. Once she got her to make the same on the circle. Tie her  arms in strappado , ankles and tight hogtied, the three girls are ready in formation for the offering. Lex grabs the candles and spills wax on them to complete the ritual, the heat will seal the pact and deliver the souls to hell…


20 min / 1,40 GB

18,15 $